how powerful is fear? anixety, to be more specific. how powerful is anixety, exactly? powerful enough to cause one to lose one senses. no one knows exactly how powerful anxiety is, but with millions of people having anxiety, it's pretty damn powerful.
patton is becoming worry. the day is coming closer and he isn't prepared. he doesn't want to believe his son is becoming this monster. he doesn't want to believe that his son is slipping away. he doesn't want to believe that his son is not who he think he is.
logan is becoming snappy. he's becoming overwhelmed with his bubbling emotions. he wants to explode, but he knows he can't because the others are looking at him. he doesn't want to break, especially with the day coming closer. he doesn't want his best friend to slip away into this monster. he doesn't want to hurt his best friend. he doesn't want his best friend to be who he think he is.
roman has a secret. he can't keep this secret away from everyone else. he needs to tell the others, but, is he really risking his life? yes. he well risk his life for the sake of protectig his friends, family, and his host. he will hurt, even kill, his lover if it means to save the others. but will that keep him at bay?