here is how my school works we are split into five factions and each pull our weight. Erudite my brothers group are the nerds, he recently transfered and we drifted apart, they help with organization and some of them are teachers. Amity the crackheads are farmers and some are chefs. Abnegation, we're the stiffs, we do charity work and are on the board. Candor work with the justice system and because we are a boarding school we practically run the school. Then there are the dauntless they support are sports division. That is where I am transferring. My name is Tris Prior and I hate a boy called four. he is an man whore and spends his days sleeping with the biggest sluts in school me on the other hand a virgin gymnast. but you know what they say there is a thin line between love and hate. HA HA (not very likely) i HATE four and if i survive the dauntless school sorority initiation i never have to see him again or his dreamy blue eves that i can get lost in wait, what am i thinking i have worlds (the world gymnastics championship) and the Olympics to think of i can't let him ruin me.All Rights Reserved