My whole life has been a big ball of bullshit and depression, I've done stupid stuff to try to push through and then I met a man named Seth and he changed my life for the better. He taught me that drawing and writing is better than cutting and doing drugs, he changed my life. He left me two years ago by committing suicide. His brother moved into my life and i have been with Jeff for almost a year now and he makes me happy. After Seth left I had started messing up my life again, but Jeff stopped me. I thought that maybe if i shared my lives worth in poems I could help others see that a person with depression doesn't always show it, sometimes they hide it on paper. I hope that maybe after you read this you can understand what goes through the head of somebody with crippling depression. Some of these may be to dark and I'm sorry but this is the first time I'm sharing these with people.some of these are poems that i have found and they hit me at home so i hope you take these to heart like I did.