Lucy Cassandra Riker, is a seventeen year old girl, who lives in the small village of Wolverton. Hidden deep within the mountains untouchable by humanitys greedy hands. Lucy has grown up with stories and legends of the protective wolves sent by the gods to protect the village. Why you may ask? Long ago well 800 years to be exact the village was ruthlessly burned down. People were slaughtered in their homes. A king known as Aloysius took over. The people were his personal slaves living in the streets as he built his empire. Aloysius ruled over Wolverton for many generations til one night he was murdered in his bed. Wolves overtook the castle killing every one of his men then strangely disappearing into the night. But these wolves haven't been seen in hundreds of years and they are known as a myth and folktale to the village now almost 800 years later. Lucy a stubborn free spirited girl has never given up hope they may be out there. Until it all starts with the nightmares to heart wrenching betrayal. Some stories are better left untold ............ Taking one last glance I lept into the abyss without fear. On instinct my coal-colored wings unfurled, seizing the winds. The thunderclap of the raging piece of lead boomed escaping its hollow prison. Slicing the winds similar to a blade engaging in its victim. The lead found its way piercing my shoulder succeeding in striking the flesh of its prey. Before my mind could process what had occurred in the result of the destructiveness of the lead. My body was sent spirling into the canyon. Pain radiated through my body the ground became within reach until I had finally collided with the full might of mother earth. Hope you guys like my new story! PLEASE DO NOT COPY! SORRY FOR ANY GRAMMER MISTAKES OR ANYTHING LIKE THAT!All Rights Reserved