Mist,was the first thing I ever saw. The mist was thick and it was hard to breathe,I stumbled when trying to stand for the first time. My small body quivered as I looked around,I was alone,my mother wasn't anywhere to be seen. Piles of ashes were scattered everywhere,in my mind I knew something bad happened.Shakily I stood and started speed walking in one direction,I dodged the piles of ashes as I went. I continued till I tripped on some rocks and tumbled down a large hill,when I finally stopped I was face down in this white and slightly soft stuff.
I stood back up and looked around,a blue liquid kept hitting the white soft stuff.My legs waddled over to it and I stretched my neck down to try and touch it,when my beak touched it I flinched back and fell on my butt. An angry squeak left my beak,I stood back up and I tried to run at it as it went back. But,it came rushing back...so I ran back while squawking in fear. This continued until I got tired and curled up,I was about fall asleep until I heard voices.