The world of dreams exists. Aron Silver, a compulsive liar who can't dream, meets Oscar, a renowned psychologist who cures people by interpreting their dreams. He hopes he can help him to stop his storytelling abilities by discovering the reason behind his dreamless nights.
Her aunt Sophie, with another agenda, wants him to find the secret method the psychologist uses to cure his patients. Aron discovers something he was not expecting, there is a portal to enter Ethernia, the world of dreams.
He sees the world of dreams for the first time in the flesh, but his arrival, as he is not considered a dreamer, causes a revolution to overthrow the eternal empress Luna.
Aron will have to learn the nature of the queen and to team up with other beings from Ethernia in order to restore the peace between the 7 provinces before the chaos and the darkness break into our world and the human race perish within its nightmares.
Maya Kimura has dreams about the future, one night she has a dream about her kidnapping. No one knows about this power that she has. After her dream she goes through her days trying to find him, but when the day comes there is nothing she can do to stop it. Will she escape? And will she be able to go home?