In the distant future, humanity has created cities with the power to control any and all weather conditions. It can be sunny and warm, with a cool breeze, or it could be forever dark and always raining. Vertigo City opts for the latter, and its inhabitants have taken up a cyberpunk style to accompany this setting. In order to stay nourished in this rainy cyberpunk city, citizens can either take vitamin supplements or, if they have enough money, can get their hands on the highly sought after Crush. This fine powder will not only nourish those who ingest it, but it will give them an unrivaled high. With this Crush only attainable through obscene amounts of money, black markets have sprung up all across the city to sell the powder for a lower, more feasible cost. The citizens of Vertigo City will do whatever it takes to get any Crush they can get their hands on. Most will spend all their money just to get some and work their lives away just to keep getting more. They'll do anything to get more. Even if it means they sell themselves for sex. Whatever gets them the ability to get high.All Rights Reserved
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