Jaylynn Lorelei wins a raffle for a vacation in Italy. She expected to sight see, relax, and just have fun. What happens could not be more opposite. Jay is invited to see the Volterra castle, has a run in with Bella and Edward, meets werewolves, and ultimately gets sucked into the scary world of the Volturi and Vampires.
She comes to wonder why her life is so suddenly spinning out of control, but is quickly reminded that -
We are all pulled by the strings of fate..
-I know what you're thinking! 'Oh, another Twilight vampire story! Gross!!' but I hope to write something that is interesting and unique in the world of Twilight. The story takes place in the ending of New Moon and after Breaking Dawn, Jaylynn's story wont alter the books at all, but her story does fit into the books.
I own Jaylynn and her story but none of the original four books By Stephanie Meyer.
Please read!