"Nuclear weapons? They could be shut down by the mechanical bomb. AI? No one's going to be touching that subject with a ten-foot pole. But they've decided that having fire-breathing kids would be an acceptable replacement for an army. And that's where energie came in." From two sleep-deprived students, comes a story written from two completely different perspectives... Who's Robin? She's: Just a small town girl. Living in a harist world. She took the midnight train going to Mist-i-fuse. Ba Dum (drum sound effects) (Read to find out what Mistifuse and harism is) You'll thank me later. Probably. Who's Ari? She's: Living in a world where trust can't keep a grip on the slippery slope called life, where discrimination rules the world with the light-haired versus the dark. It's a game that no one can win in the end, but they still fight, friend against friend, power against power. And fight they do, until right can no longer be separated from wrong... as if it could ever be in the first place.