dan howell and phil lester are roomates, and the best of friends. Phil met dan the year dan started university and Phil was just starting teachers collage. they met on a roommate finder and have done everything together. They both teach in London as secondary school teachers. Y/n and Heaven are close as well. theyre great friends with dan and phil and live across the hall from them. Y/n was an artist, a storywriter, while Heaven was a counseller at an elementary school. theres a lot of sexual tension between Phil and Y/n, there always has been... but now they may or may not decide to cross the boarder between friend and lover... UPDATE I stopped writing this cuz they're both gay and may or may not be dating each other. I respect the gays! I am a gay! Maybe I'll write some phan idk. If u wanna read it and insert new names... that's dope bc I actually thought this was somewhat alright, ok bye!All Rights Reserved