"What the fuck have you done?!", Jungkook shouted, his voice was heavy, as if he was trying to suppress the overflowing urge to kill you all.
Oh shit!
Taehyung widened his eyes, and so did you, reason?
The good boy had said his first curse word, and that too, out loud.
You and Taehyung started clapping, wiping fake tears, Taehyung even whistled, the both of you looking at each other, an emotion of admiration in your eyes, for a second even jimin giggled. This confused Jungkook.
As if jimin understood, "holy macaroni, kookie you said your first bad word, woo hoo!!!"
"Our kookie has grown up!!!",Taehyung fake cried.
" I'm so proud of you my child!!! " , You too wiped your tears.
All three of you drunkards sat next to each other, back against the fridge, looking at the poor boy with heart eyes.
Realization hit Jungkook like a big fat truck.
He had said his first *bad word*.
And he didn't like it.
He didn't like it at all.
Jungkook sat down, holding his head trying to curl up into a ball. If anything, he was the most civilized man till now.
But now.
He was mad.
He was big mad.