Main Characters Hi, My name is Dj well my nickname which everybody calls me and I'm a lavish lightskin with dreads all the way down my back and im 6ft with swag out this world and my only homeboy is kJ (finna hear about him next) see y'all later Hi, My name is KJ I'm a lavish brown skin with deep ocean slick waves and I have braces and I have a six pack I'm 6ft tall I can dress well and I only have one girl on mind Hi babes my name is diamond but most people call me dime I'm little around (5'3) but don't let this height foul you I'm still crazy asf and ima little crybaby at times but my girlfriend doesn't mind it at all Hi whores my name is nevaeh aka Nyah im bisexual I'm bipolar I have a crazy bestfriend name hevoo I'm short kinda I have a bad temper and I like to fight and eat Hi BITCHES this your girl heaven aka hevoo i know y'all met my besttiieee Nyah with ah stupid ass but I'm around 5'7 with puffy hair and with a bad ass attitude and sometimes my mouth gets slick but I'm bisexual "HEY GAY BABES" but I'm HOLDING A BIG SECRET FROM MY GIRLFRIEND and only my bestie knows What secret is hevoo holding? Is her bestfriend going to tell? What does dj and kj have to do with the story?All Rights Reserved