" I told you to stay away from me, I told you I was broken and you can't fix me, so why are you still here. Leave me alone" I screamed, tears streaming down my face.
"Faith you're not broken, nothing you say is going to make me leave, because I love you" My heart stopped as I looked at the boy in front of me. "I love you Faith"
68 Kapitel Abgeschlossene Geschichte Erwachseneninhalt
68 Kapitel
Abgeschlossene Geschichte
Danielle and Nate haven't gotten along in years, but when Nate discovers Danielle was raped the year before, he's determined to fight for her and for love.
A week-long power outage can do a lot of things, but mending a decade long broken friendship didn't seem like one of them. However, when Danielle's childhood ex-best friend and current neighbor, Nate, comes knocking on her door every two seconds, she's quickly proven wrong. As Nate uncovers the secret that his best friend raped Danielle at a party the year before, he realizes the bitterness of reality and blames himself. While Danielle fights the nightmares that come both night and day, Nate does everything in his power to better things for her, whether she agrees with them or not.
Content/Trigger Warning: this story contains sexual content and deals explicitly with sexual assault and violence.
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