Mirror, mirror on the wall, which one is the biggest of them all?
She looks at the mirror that's hanging from an old, crooked nail in the wall that's, after all these years, still barely holding the whole thing up.
She's watching her own reflection. She sees the scar tissue showing all over her body; scars, bruises, cuts, scratches, all the wounds that tattooed her body, that made her to who she is now.
Her eyes start at her toes and slowly work their way up. The scar on the middle of her right foot, all the bruises on her lower legs, the red marks on of her knees, the chafing on her inner thighs, the stretch marks on her belly, legs, arms and chest. Blood running down her fingers from picking up all the broken pieces
Her eyes go up to her neck, an ugly healed surgical scar right in the middle. Her mouth, a chipped tooth on the inside, a scar on the top of her palate, crooked teeth, her lips still bleeding from the last time someone touched them. Her nose crooked.
She closes her eyes and slowly lifts her head the last bit. She takes a deep breath and slowly opens her eyes, she's looking herself right in the eyes, they contain the hidden scars only she can see. She can't help but to just fall to the floor and cry.