This is a story, about boy meets girl.
Yes, I'm pretty sure you've heard that one before, maybe's from a movies that had a googly eyed girl named Summer? Idk, I'm not sure...
But yes, this is a story about boy meets girl. Although this may be a love story, the thing about these two is that they don't realize they're in love, until their love is lost.
Mhm, I know. This is probably one of those cliche love stories where the boy only realizes he loves her after he broke her heart blah blah blah
The turn of events may change and friendships will be broken.
But the main thing you need to know about this story, is that it's about two best friends, whose lives always seem to get back to one another. They find love in places that they never felt worth looking into.
They found themselves falling, even when they both thought that they would not be caught.