JOB POSTS You can build a qualified shortlist in less time at all. Just click to post job on jobs board and in social media DEDICATED SUPPORT Application Tracking System is serious about providing fast, efficient and ongoing help to our user community. 24/7 access for several thousand users. TALENT FOOL Take advantage of the best interview tools and Place deserve candidate applications from the Talent bench REPORT CENTER Increase your efficiency by Complete Audit Performance from the recruiting Team Performance PLACEMENTS We understand your specific needs & identify which edition will work best for you. Monitor placements and you can Mark all at the one place. HIRE AND ON BOARD CANDIDATES Application Tracking System Streamlines the hiring process and provides visibility to team and key stakeholders. TRACK INTERVIEWS Easy to schedule interviews with qualified candidates, add notes to organize feedback, connect with marketplaces. Application Tracking System Automatically track candidates throughout the entire recruitment process APPLICANTS Hub 4 Track provides the security of a virtually risk free decision via its standard no terms in contract. Application Tracking System is strong enough, full service HMS solution offers a lower total cost of ownership compared to client server software models. for more info: Rights Reserved