Just what the title says!
I noticed there aren't a whole lot of these on here, so I decided I'd make some myself. Bare in mind, I'm no writer, so these stories may not be the best, but I love this movie and its characters and wanted to show them my love!
A couple disclaimers going into these:
-I AM 100% okay with writing oneshots, prefs., and scenarios about Miguel, but do note that they will NEVER be NSFW! In my mind, Miguel is a minor and will ALWAYS be a minor. It makes me very uncomfortable to write NSFW material about him for this reason.
-I'll also be writing about Hector and Ernesto and they WILL contain NSFW (most likely at some point).
- I'm also open to writing about Imelda, but it won't be done by default. I just feel like I couldn't capture her personality well enough :'D But if it's something you'd like to see, send me a request!
-While we're talking about requests, I am absolutely open to them, and I, in fact, encourage them! Please send me your ideas!
-I am NOT a Spanish speaker in the slightest! I'll try to use some Spanish in the stories here and there, but note that it most likely won't be perfect.
-Unless plainly stated, Hector and Ernesto are ALIVE in all works. Again, I am willing to write about them in the Land of the Dead as skeletons, but note that that is not the default!
-I will be writing in a FEMALE'S PERSPECTIVE! As I said, I am no writer, and I really don't feel I have the skill to pull off a good amount of gender neutral material. Again, I CAN do it if requested, but it is not the default!
With that said, I hope you all enjoy~!
****Coco and all of its characters belong to Disney/Pixar!!!!****
I know DANG WELL ppl are looking for these, so here you go!
I DO NOT own the character Miguel O'Hara or any other marvel characters, but I DO own these mini oneshot stories I'm writing. I'm simply just using the characters for fan fiction!