43 parts Complete "Right on Time" is a captivating crime fiction novel that delves into the extraordinary journey of a 16-year-old girl named Ayanate, who tragically lost her sight on the day of her high school final paper. As the daughter of a single mother of two, Ayanate's life takes an unexpected turn when she finds herself entangled in the sinister web of a rapidly expanding crime syndicate, five years later. Within the country, a powerful crime syndicate is gaining momentum, spreading like wildfire and striking fear into the hearts of both law enforcement and citizens. At the heart of this syndicate is Savior, a 23-year-old man who holds the position of second in command. With a reputation for ruthlessness and cunning, Savior operates in the shadows, orchestrating the syndicate's illicit activities. What happens when these two completely incompatible worlds collide? Find out in this gripping crime fiction novel,. ,