Please be aware that this is a Wattpad book. If you are reading this book on any other site than Wattpad then it means that the book has been stolen from Wattpad. If you are reading this as an e-book and it is not completed (or if it seems completed but the rest of the writing just seems off), then it means that someone else is reproducing my work without my permission. If they are making money off of my book, then it means that I didn't get any, which is unfair since I'm the one spending the time and effort to write it. I put up the story on Wattpad hoping to get the completed work published someday. Yes, you don't have to pay anything to read it on Wattpad either. The point is, Wattpad has my permission to publish the story and the other sites do not. So please, just go to Wattpad to read it! ----------------------------------------------------- A NaNoWriMo 2013 Novel. Set in the Royal Ent. K-pop universe. It's just Comic Book Fantasy Casting. ;) credits for original pic to the owner. K-pop idol Jeon Min-ha feels burned out from the tight schedules and lack of time to rest that is the main reality of idol life. When everything falls apart he desperately searches for a place to go... and the one thing he remembers is that place and that person, three years ago... When he and his band, Future Colors, stayed at their sunbae's house in the Philippines while shooting a music video, and he met his sunbae's cousin-in-law. Bea couldn't care less about Min-ha's fame, but she wouldn't stand for his arrogance and his vanity either... she wasn't even that pretty, and she was the most exasperating girl Min-ha had ever met. In order to go forward, he had to go back... but was there anything left to return to?All Rights Reserved