As I walked down the hallway toward my classroom at Winston's Academy. This is my first time here, I have been attending Winston's Academy for almost three months now. But I'm get the hang of how they run things here but I'm still kind of new with everything. Well there is one thing that has always confused me, we have to carry weapons of our choice with us. It's like there we're meant to hurt each other because almost everyday someone gets in a fight that leads to everyone gathering around watching or routing for one of the opponents. The teachers say that they let us carry weapons so we can protect our selves, but there's two classes that everyone has to go to at different periods lessons. Not normal lessons like piano, like self defense, and how to use our weapons. I never understood why we need to have these lessons and why to carry weapons Everywhere we went but that day has soon to come to when I understand why.
"Good morning class," Mrs. Tanaka said as she sat down a stack of papers on her metal desk.
"Good morning," Everyone else replied as a few stayed silent in there seats.
Mrs. Tanaka stepped in front of her desk as she spoke, "I have an announcement to make, we will be having a new student joining us today." As she waved her hand Motioning someone to come in, then this boy wearing a hoodie over his face, walks in with a sythe in hand. It wasn't that surprising that he came in with a weapon like that cause heck I carry around a sythe also, and there are others who carry around swords and Katanas. "Go on introduce your self," She said as he was now in front of the class.
"The names Hiroshima," Hiroshima announced as he began to walk to the back of the room where his seat was,(His seat is placed beside mine which is beside the window). "Hey," He said as I turned my head from the window to look at him, which was right at the edge of my desk.
An original and empowering shapeshifter/werewolf mystery.
Lily's abusive life with her childhood pack is about to change forever when she's assigned to attend Rochester Academy; A boarding school rumored to be for unmated shifters.
What does this new life hold in store for her? Will she find a mate? Does she want a mate?