Your name is Vanessa Tae Brooks. You are 17 years old, about to turn 18. Your passion for music is very big and you're known in your area for having a beautiful voice. Your dad was the reason you became interested in music. He raised you around it as he himself was a singer. He unfortunately passed away when you were 9, and you've known ever since that you wanted to make it big for him. You hear news that one of the biggest labels known was looking to sign artists. With luck and a really good demo you go through. Excited and eager, you pack your things and fly to LA. Everything seems surreal, and it seems your dreams will be kicking off. You officially sign, and you are taking everything in. Already though, a boy comes into the picture. You know you want to focus on your newly started career, and a boy is the last thing you need to worry about. But, an already signed artist by the name of Jungkook, seems very interested in more than just your music. Will you shut him out and be able to focus on your career, or will you give in and let him become too big of a distraction? Will this newly formed tension ruin your career and destroy your best friendship? DISCLAIMER: this story does contain sexual content and if that's not your cup of tea then i wouldn't recommend reading it :) this is for the people who prefer sexual fanficfionAll Rights Reserved