Diamond Young is a 15 year old with potential.She is a teachers pet and a straight A student.Diamond is popular,Rich, and Very pretty. She gets in a relationship with Martin Barley a 16 year old boy. Of course everything goes great at the beginning,But when Diamond starts showing up with bruises all over her body stuff gets real. Teachers and friends asks "What happened?" But she always says "Home accidents"No one knows what happens behind closed doors They just know what Diamond tells them.Will anyone every Find out? Martin Barley is 16 years young and A all around bad boy.He doesn't make straight A's Nor B's Nor C's But his grades are decent enough to pass.Martin lives in a small home with his Dad and His Wife.His mom Was shot to death and he witnessed this all at the age 8 over some drugs.It scarred Martin for life and Every since then He has been doing nothing but struggling. Unique Harrison is 15 years young and is very intelligent.She is also rich and popular.Unique Isn't a big fan of Martin.She always says "Every heard of love at first Sight? Well I say Hate at first sight."When Diamond starts to come to school with bruises on her Face She gets even more suspicious.Will she find out? From the Author:Hello! I hope you all enjoy my story.Please go read my Other story The broken family.Thank you Enjoy!All Rights Reserved