Anime rants / reviews of whatever I happen to watch (pretty much any genre, but I watch horrors less often than romcoms). MAJOR SPOILERS so don't read past the 'spoiler alert' sign on any given review unless you're totally ready for the spoilers I'll be shooting your way. Each review does have a score out of 10 and a brief, spoiler-free description at the top before I get into my dissection of the juicy - and sometimes emotionally painful - details. (these are mainly for my benefit, in order to let out the immense emotional pain I feel after finishing an anime, or I would be more careful with the spoilers) UPDATE: Well apparently people read this and like it, so I take requests now! If you ask me to do a review on an anime I'll at least give it a shot and write some sort of blurb on it, even if I didn't like it (it makes me feel all nice inside when people request stuff so if you want to, don't hesitate) And I figured I should link my Anime List page, so then everyone who cares can know what I watched before I started these! Because I've done one of these for all but a couple that have been completed since. Rights Reserved