But I could never act out these thoughts or feelings. No. I was held back by something. But more fugitively speaking, someone. I hadn't realized it at that moment, but I do now. I understood how everything happened. How everything fell apart so quickly and unruly. And how everything just fell right back in place afterwards with him beside me. However, it was a different place. A more exhilarating, a more intoxicating way. I was addicted to it. I was addicted to him. It took him less than four months to turn me. It took him less than fifteen weeks- less than one-hundred and five days. I don't know how he did it. But he did, and I committed to it. That one word. Commitment. Such a strong and powerful word with so much meaning behind its letters. Turns out, this one word kept a reminder in my head, just how much my life has changed. For the best- or for the worst. I'll leave that up to you to decided.Tous Droits Réservés
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