The quotes on the cover of this poem book that does not have ~ means they are by me, if they have a ~ that means someone else made up the quote and i am giving them credit.These are my poems, some are depressing, some are all loving and cute and well, the others are eeer.. let's just say I do not know how to explain.. If you like it please vote and comment.. thank you. I hope you guys do like it. These poems are from when I was in 6th grade up until now (9th grade...and probably more). This is probably going to be the first book, I do not know about the other books, but as soon as I finish writing (like complete the notebook, no more pages to write on and start another, then I will create a new poem book) this one, I will try to keep it up. I hope you all like it. Also, I dedicate this book to all my friends and family. My poems to me are like a diary, except a diary that I can share with the world, and those truly close to me, knowing me-better than I know myself, can understand it the way I wrote it. But, those who don't understand me, can interpret it in a million different ways, like a piece of art... We never know what the artist was thinking when they/drew the picture/painting...Its the same way with poems, at least for me.