This story will be centered around Jeon Jungkook, a Seventh Year Hogwarts student in the year 2018, twenty years after the Second Wizarding War ended. Various events take place in his school where he would learn things beyond the walls of his classrooms, fall in love, get his heart broken, and get it fixed. Together with his two best friends, Park Jihoon and Jeon Somi, they would carry on to their journey at their final year at Hogwarts. AFTER ALL THIS TIME? ALWAYS. Here are the characters: Jeon Jungkook Jeon Somi Park Jihoon Kim Dahyun IU Park Bo Gum Lee Taeyong Jackson Wang Kim Yeri (Katy Kim) Shannon BTS! Wendy (cameo) Bae Irene (by the end) BTW, to refresh all of our memories, Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Tests is what the N.E.W.T. stands for, which sixth and seventh year students are required to take after O.W.L.'s!
22 parts