"She spoke little, preached not at all, loved much, and prayed unceasingly."
This book is above all things the story of a mother. But it is also the story of a noble woman, a woman who was truly great, for the reason that she never sought to be so. Because she understood the sphere in which a woman's work in the world must usually lie, and led her life truly along the lines that God had laid down for her ; because she suffered bravely, forgot herself for others, and remained faithful to her noble ideals, she ruled as a queen amongst
those with whom her life was cast. Her influence was great and far-reaching, but she herself was the last to suspect it, the last to desire it, and that was perhaps the secret of its greatness. The type is rare at the present day, but, thank God! there are Monica's still in the world. If there were more, the world would be a better place.
Original Author: F. A. Forbes
This book is a inspiration for all, especially for those who are facing extreme difficulties in their marital life and with their children. Saint Monica's perseverance is something we all can take a leaf out of. It was this virtue of hers that converted her pagan husband and also brought about great reforms in her eldest son who went on to become a saint himself. Just like it did for me, I hope this work gives you hope even when situations seem hopeless and reinstates your faith in God and the power of unceasing prayer.
May the Joy of our Risen Lord be always with you!