As the First Wizarding War comes to an end, the entire Wizarding community is relieved. They don't have to live with continuous dread of whether they would be next to lose their life or worse, their loved ones. However, Sirius Black is beyond depressed. He is living with the guilt of being the reason why his ex-girlfriend had died. But even more so, the guilt of having pushed his friend towards the jaws of death is eating away inside him. He feels that he is nothing more than a worthless piece of crap. A person who is a curse to himself and to the ones dear to him. Meanwhile, the Dark side is not yet completely destroyed. The remnants of Lord Voldemort's followers are religiously upon a task to revive him. Admist this chaos and with the help of his remaining friends, Sirius tries to get his life back on track. However, that doesn't seem so simple a task. A story set in a Harry Potter AU. Sequel to The Rat's Gift.