In a new Apocalyptic world there is disease and destruction everywhere, the undead lurking around every corner. Humanity is barely keeping its hold on the world, forming into 27 different mafias. But another mafia, is rumored to exist, The Unkept .
Twelve is the Underboss, or third in command, of the Unkept Ones. She has gone from the littlest orphan to one of the strongest warriors in her mafia. Being a mutant and keeping her face concealed due to scars, she is also one of the most shunned, its only when a three way war spreads through the land that she earns respect.
Rose is the Consigliere, or Second in command, of the Unkept Ones, being the bosses daughter. She is one of the strongest warriors in her mafia, alongside her best friend, Twelve. Being a mutant, though lowers some expectations, but she's kept her ranks greatly. When a three way war spreads between the mafias she must decide what side to play for, or to start her own game.
Join these girls and their mafia in an apocalyptic journey full of struggle, adventure, action and a small dose of romance!