Sasha Ludwik Schaible is a soldier in the United Nations One World Military he is employed in section World Preservation in secret weapons and energy sources division in the platoon Warrior in squad Sky Bleeder. The Year is 2044 and its June 6 and he is aboard the USS Missouri which just Got reinstated into the United Nations one world Military from being a museum and has been being being upgraded to have the latest engines materials most advanced firing computers and The Most powerful cannons ever built and put on a ship with a range of just shy of 60 KM . Here's some info on what The United Nations One World MIlitary is and Sasha's part in it. The United Nation Collapsed in 2014 when isis appeared and then when multiple Major cities were attacked simultaneously including Tokyo, Shanghai , Sydney, Los Angeles , New York, Washington D.C. , London, Paris , Berlin, ST Petersburg , Moscow and Rome. The United Nations was brought back together but under a slightly newer Name The Untied Nations One World Military and that meant it was a giant military all nations participated in it and there were no separate militaries between countries the only true militaries that were not apart of this group were terrorist groups. But soon these countries started to become aware of an impending problem Resources that's when all sorts of new Parts of. The UNOWM surfaced including world preservation and had smaller divisions within it the one Sasha was in know as Secret Weapons and Energy Sources. And His squad Name meant well at lease sky meant that they were what is know as a all around soldier which means he has access and training for every single weapon and vehicle , aircraft and naval vessel the United Nations One World Military has to offer. And Has the ability to defy any of military personnel that's not in the Secret weapons and and Energy Sources division. Find Out what happens Next in chapter 1.Public Domain