Story by: Alex
Ties in with other future published works by both Wrath and I.
The hard and miserable childhood of a future broken man, written with every hardship he has faced in his troubled past with a verbally and physically abusive mother, and her boyfriend that grows to sexually abuse him countless times, scarring his mind and forcing him to turn towards self-help and alcohol abuse to deal with his wretched home life. He doesn't have a normal life, having no way to go to a school, the constant abuse at home, being beaten up in his hood-like city neighborhood, being messed with due to his Asian-Australian background, and his need to eat and not being handed anything in life forcing him to resolve to stealing.
An excerpt from the first chapter:
"The young boy was gasping for air, gulping in every breath like it might be his last, as he hid behind the fading, chipped brick of a building in the rough streets of the city. He held a hand to his bloody nose, the crimson liquid staining his lightly tanned skin."