once apon a ton thier were 4 BSF that was so close they was kinda like sisters And they are Madisyn Jakyla Perla Alyssa we all will stick together I remember when I met my first friend Perla it was like I was lost but God put me in her BSF life and found my way to the top then I met Alyssa the crazy one and wierd one she was always giving me advice about alot of things and thier go Madisyn she was the BSF that was always talking me out of stuff when I was doing or thinking about crazy things but we all found are way together and I hope it stay like the I loved y'all guys and a BSF way (Lol) but this is my first story I made this cause y'all want to like the BSF I needed the BSF that made me feel special and the BSF that encourage me I want to thank y'all for tht that really mean alot to me so this is to my bsfs that I always wanted ☹️🦄🥔🐱😢😭😭😢😧😢😭😢😭😭😭😭😢😭😢😢😭😭😢😭😭😢😭😭😢😢😭😢😢😭😢😢😢😢😭😢😢😭All Rights Reserved