In the future, the world was dreamt to be miraculous. However, that is not the case. The future was a hazard, and there was only a few select people who can stop it. The 34. For every year after 2900, there was a new genius to arise. One of the few is Lucas Winters, a sixteen year old girl who had just started her training in the technology field. She was deemed vital to life, and what was to come of the world. But what if she never was and never will be who she had thought? A lie drops a bomb on the world they all thought they knew.
Aile-asker kurgusu✨️
Gözlerime bakmaya devam ederken sordu. "Sen benim kim olduğumu biliyor musun?" kafamı aşağı yukarı salladım.
"Abim!" dedim gür bir sesle. "Abimsin sen benim!"
Afalladı. Ona, sen uzaylısın desem bu kadar şaşırmazdı hani. "Ne?" dedi.
"Nil ben. Kardeşinim!"
07.09.24✨️ #aile 1
12.09.24✨️ #gençkurgu 1