"Hey guys I just found this thumbprint necklace and it looks like it probably is important to someone so if you own this or know the person who owns this. Dm me or tag me in a post with the persons Instagram or Twitter so I can return this. I'll hold onto it till I find the owner it has a photo of this boy in it I just don't want anyone to get hurt losing this so please help." I stated. "I doubt anyone would come forward but good job for doing something nice if someone does come forward they will love you." Nick stated. "Maybe you can finally get a girlfriend." He joked and I laughed. "Yeah." I faked laughed. A thirteen year old girl from Maryland named Annie Leblanc best known for her family's YouTube channel Bratayley lost her late brother Caleb Leblanc thumbprint necklace. Lucky for her the person who picked it up was also famous more famous than her actually. Finn Wolfhard was the person one of the biggest Hollywood actors at the moment. He post a video on his Instagram story about the necklace and what will happen when fans help Annie find her brothers necklace? What will Finn do when he sees Annie and gives her back the necklace will he want to talk to again? More importantly will Annie want to talk to him again due to his fame and fans?All Rights Reserved