A love so insecure soothed with warm promises. His raspy voice mends every cut in a broken girl's soul. While a far is a star out of reach, is a moon not wanting to be alone in the void of loneliness. In a cold, dark night the star finally met the moon, and despite of the unreachable distance they still managed to make the night wonderful. As Selene Herrera fights for her cruel life, a man as dangerous as death brought her back to existence. Tear Olivaro taught her how to live despite of insecurities and self-loathe. And to breathe amidst the foggy cage. But life and love are both battles she need to win. And secrets are battalions who'll crush her whole. Tears of the moon will shed. Blood from her skin will drip. And self-worth will forever question her. Can a numb girl step out of the dark and learn to love again? Can a broken man sing about love again? Will the star and the moon meet again?