"I can sue you."
He lets out a laugh, "With what lawyer?"
"I'm a paralegal. I know some pretty great lawyers." After four years in college studying paralegal, I had met many lawyers who would be willing to help me in the blink of an eye.
I only had to ask.
He laughs, "Babydoll, all the great lawyers work for me."
I frown at the name. I wasn't a baby doll.
"Don't call me that." I scolded then calm down, "What do you mean?"
"Baby doll, have you ever heard of Wayland's Law?"
Who hasn't?
Wayland's Law is the most successful law firm in New York City and everyone in New York knows this.
I nod then answered, "Yes,"
He laughs, "Well baby doll, you're driving with Whyatt Wayland, the owner of the company."
Well then, my life as a paralegal is finished