Dr. Lisa Berzins is a practicing clinical psychologist in West Hartford, Connecticut. She has served in various capacities for over 40 years as a leading psychologist on the subject of eating disorders, addictions, trauma, mindfulness and self-compassion. An accomplished clinician, she has also devoted much of her career to writing, researching, and publishing.
Dr. Berzins' academic career began with her 1979 master's thesis at the University of Kentucky on the subject of memory and pictorial recognition. Though her thesis was not published, she was able to present a paper the following year on sex roles and gender at the Southeastern Psychological Association in Atlanta. This was only the beginning of Dr. Berzins' illustrious career as a researcher and psychologist.
To date, Lisa has five published journal articles, alongside her doctoral dissertation. She is regularly cited by experts in her field and has served in various professional capacities as director of psychological functions in several organizations and hospitals. Between 1998 and 2016 she was also an adjunct professor at the University of Hartford, where she supervised psychology doctoral students both academically and clinically.
Beyond the academic realm, Dr. Berzins is an advocate for body-size compassion nationwide. Helping draft several pieces of legislation, presenting to students, and writing op-eds to her local newspaper, Lisa Berzins always writes with compassion and care.