Braedey Martin, bearer of the Transformatrix, a powerful ancient device created by the Thirteen Primes of Cybertron, allowing one to transform into any and all beings on Cybertron, whether Autobot, Decepticon, Predacon, or Insecticon, is transported to another world by the name of Remnant, and is soon amongst a group of teenagers attending a school for hunters and huntresses.
However, in amongst all of the light, there's the darkness of the creatures of Grimm, along with the terrorist group called the White Fang, and a more sinister force threatening to rear its ugly head at the masses.
A/N: any and all 'RWBY' characters belong to their respected owners; 'Rooster Teeth'. Only I own my OC characters, the Transformatrix, but all forms will belong to their respected owners. Any other OCs will also belong to their respective owners, too.
i do not own or rwby or transformers as rwby is owned by rooster teeth and Transformers is owned by hasbro the only thing i own is my oc
the cover of this book i made my self
so here we are the start of some thing new or so we think we follow Kieron the hero of the Galaxy and 2nd in command of the rescue team in his world and bear of the Automatrix as he is transport with one of the Thunderbirds aka Thunderbird 2 to a unknowns world
the world Kieron arrives in is one filled with horrific monsters bent on death and destruction, and humanity's only hope is dependent upon powerful Huntsmen and Huntresses and he meet a team of 4 girls and many others that he become friends with as there job be going threw training and a journey witch will take them far past the grounds of their school, Beacon Academy. Though each may be powerful on their own where Kieron and his friends must overcome dark force, there fears and monsters and villains from other worlds and work as a team if they truly hope to become the next generation of Remnant's protectors.