Only Him {A Harry Styles Fanfic}
  • Membaca 1,142
  • Suara 27
  • Bagian 8
  • Durasi 41m
  • Membaca 1,142
  • Suara 27
  • Bagian 8
  • Durasi 41m
Sedang dalam proses, Awal publikasi Jun 29, 2012
Hazell White and her two sisters are Direcectioners. After going to a meet-and-greet to see the British-Irish UK band, One Direction, Hazell offically mets Harry Styles, a cheeky boy that can sing and draws her in . Although she feels for him, but  doesn't know about him. Will she be ok with what is gonna be thrown ar her or will she collaspe? Her life will change forever with one boy.
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