18 parts Ongoing // The aliens were not here to exterminate the human race, only to ransack and weaken the earth. (which we learn why later years later) 1/3 of humans survived, though 75% of earths cities were destroyed to disable armies and destroy the entire global economy for at least a decade. The earth lost much of its water and trees, and that caused the climate to be very different from the previous climate, now lots of the earth has become dry and desolate, while previously cold areas become rainforests, while some areas remain the same. We have formed new nations to survive, and anyone with a degree of any science is sought after like the Soviet Union sought after Nuclear scientists. Man has not lost all it's progress yet, but mans nature of dividing and competing may slow our recovery of modern knowledge and technology, or even end it.
Meanwhile there is another thing man is competing besides himself, dinosaurs... \\
Scientist had done it, they eventually found a way to bring back the animals of the past, from dinosaurs to ground sloths. But there was a catch, they needed human DNA. And it couldnt be synthetic, so the top secret private funded project started abducting humans. Ben Kearth was a 10th grade graduate on his summer break with his friends at the beach for a week, but that week was his last week as a human.