There are dark things in our world, many of which are hiding in plain sight and will only be exacerbated by time. There are dark things we see, but think nothing of, and others that we do not see at all.
Those things are the subject of these stories. Stories that are meant to chill in ways that cannot be described.
In these near future fairytales, you will rarely find happy endings. But you will find something far more precious... and that is the truth.
If you dare to question your world and what it is becoming, this is the book for you.
A young woman finds herself in an unexpected predicament when she becomes pregnant by her former boyfriend. She prepares to share the news with her ex, but destiny takes a tragic turn as she comes face-to-face with the very criminal she should have informed him about. To her surprise, she discovers that her ex-boyfriend is now the one defending the criminal in court.