[ Recording ] "Hey Nestor is this working?" "I'm pretty sure Lue." "Alright then here I go." "Good luck." ~~~~ | Dear, Soul of the damn The only reason why you have found out about this so called project is probably because you want to know why the world is like how it is. Well then let me tell .. It all started with a girl named Emma . Now Emma was a sweet girl and had could have whatever she wanted. As per usual though for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. And she was no exception as the universe isn't kind nor fair. Her brother was diagnosed with a deadly virus known to man called 'Viealeno' known in Latin as 'Life eater'. She went to the hospital to visit him and to read to him a childhood story that their mother would always read to them when they were younger. As per usual though .. he didn't make it. Causing her to rip the book into shreds and unleashing something dangerous and horrible into the world. Despair. | || This was suppose to be a joke or most likely known as a practical joke known as a Farce. But sadly I was mistaken and I should have known this would have happened and know they are coming after me. But oh well I got nothing to live for anyways, but you might so I advise each and every one of you to look away. This tale is will bring heartache and a deadly curse. Known as ' The emotions.' So please if you value your life you'll look away. Pleases and Thank you's. Rest In Peace , my dearest brother: Alexiel |||All Rights Reserved