Harry and Voldemort were pointing their wands at each other, knowing one of them was going to die very soon.
'Expelliarmus!' Everyone stood still, shocked. Draco's wand left Harry's slightly shaking hand and his gaze followed it to the floor with undescribable fear.
'No, Potter. Not this time.' Draco Malfoy was standing there, covered in blood, with Angela's long wand pointed at Harry's now empty hand. He looked eerie, nothing like himself. If he had ever had any colour in his face, it was gone now and his silvery eyes looked as those of a madman.
'Ah, great, Draco, I have always known you had it in yourself. Unfortunately, it has to be me--' Voldemort started, but was soon cut off.
'It's all your fault' he said, slowly turning from Harry to Voldemort, 'you killed her. The only girl I ever loved. The only person that was always there for me, giving me a reason to continue my desperate life, when I was ready to give it up. I loved her. And you killed her. Now, I'm going to kill you', he said in so incredibly calm voice, raising Angela's wand and pointing it at Voldemort's face. Silence grew louder and louder, and everyone seemed to take time to take in what was happening. Draco Lucius Malfoy, pure-blooded, 'cold-hearted' Slytherin Death Eater was pointing his wand at the most powerful and evil sorcerer of all time, to avenge his lost love.
This is the first of the five books about Draco and Angela, and it won't be half as interesting as the next ones, but I had to start somewhere. Everything that's not the way it is in the Harry Potter books and all the new characters belong to me. Everything else belongs to the Queen of our hearts, J. K. Rowling. I know it's something you've never read anything like before and it may be really weird, but I hope there will be at least one person that will find him/herself in my story and enjoy the story itself! Please comment if you agree or dissagree with it, or just have an opinion about it that you would like to share!