Everyone has a different perception of the world around us. Some can be darker and more sinister or others can be full of hope and joy. Regardless, no two story's are the same and what you might percive as something, could be completely different to the person sitting next to you. This story is exactly the same as 'A Distant Dream' yet so, so different because nothing is the same. This time we follow Y/N's best friend, Lauren's perception of the world as they fight through what the universe throws, to survive in this truly dire system. The world can be a truly scary place, when you don't know what's next. Even in love. Hey, surprise, *Jazz hands* this is not the same author of the first book (Feather) , in fact I'm actually the person the character of Lauren is based off and I have been recruited to help. My style of writing compared to the original authors is slightly different, so I apologize but I really hope you like this book. My original title of this book was going to be 'Through other eyes' because it really is the same story yet completly different. With this I also tired to introduce more views from different characters as the story unfolds. 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜 Enjoy.All Rights Reserved