Emi Koizumi's life is uprooted when her family moves from bustling city life to the tranquil yet unfamiliar landscapes of Nagano. Carrying with her the weight of cherished memories and her beloved koto, a traditional Japanese instrument. Emi seeks solace in music as she starts anew at Kamomedai High School. But upon arrival, she's met with the crushing news that the Koto Club, once vibrant and alive, has long been disbanded after a series of devastating defeats. Determined to honor her passion, Emi sets out on a quest to revive the club, against all odds.
Amid the challenges of fitting into a new school, Emi crosses paths with Sachirou Hirugami, the middle blocker of Kamomedai's famed volleyball team. Known as the 'Immovable Hirugami,' his calm exterior hides a world of untold stories. Despite their vastly different worlds, an unexpected bond begins to form between them, one woven from music, perseverance, and unspoken emotions.
But as their connection deepens, so do the obstacles in their way; family expectations, the demands of competitive sports, and the uncertainty of young love. Will their blossoming romance survive the trials that threaten to pull them apart? In a world where tradition and modernity clash, Emi and Sachirou must find their own harmony.
Can their love stand firm like the immovable mountains of Nagano, or will it crumble under the weight of circumstance?
🏆Highest Rank:
#1 in Hirugami as of 9/1/20
⚠️ This book is currently under heavy editing