Leonid Shushkevich gains control of the desolate and irradiated wasteland of Chernobyl. His methods are cruel and brutal which makes some submit to his powers easily, but makes others enraged, disgusted even. Especially Davyd Shevchenko, Artem Sirko and Anatoliy Tereshchenko. Davyd, the leader, calls for a revolution against the King. Few join in with the cause due to the fear that Shushkevich's punishments instil in them. Still, with confidence, Davyd decides that his small group could still overthrow the king and turn Chernobyl back to its peaceful self. However, King Leonid somehow catches wind of Davyd's plot and calls him, along with Artem and Anatoliy, to a 'meeting.' The three are met with a choice: Face immediate execution or be exiled to the wasteland. Either way, death was surely upon the horizon. The group chose exile over immediate and painful death. Davyd and Artem concoct a plan to get back to Chernobyl and finally overthrow Leonid, but Anatoliy is hesitant. He believes that life away from the new kingdom would be better. Davyd and Artem, of course, use their majority vote to convince Anatoliy to join them once again in their journey. They meet many people on their adventure, many of which intend to harm or rob them. However, a select few do wish to assist and advise them on their endeavour. King Leonid again hears word of this and is frankly not pleased. Not pleased at all.All Rights Reserved
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