42 parts Complete In the heart of the bustling city of Abuja lies the prestigious Rayville American University, owned by the illustrious billionaire tycoon, Hassan Shashi. This elite institution is the haven for society's crème de la crème-heirs and heiresses of vast fortunes, and royalty from renowned kingdoms.
Amongst this dazzling world of privilege and power, there is one remarkable exception: a beautiful, intelligent, and spirited young woman from a middle-class family. As the first and only scholarship student at Rayville, she navigates a sea of opulence and entitlement with grace and determination.
Facing disdain from her affluent peers and a series of clashes with the arrogant and self-absorbed heir to the university, Ammar Hassan Shashi, she embarks on a journey fraught with challenges. Yet, through it all, she remains steadfast in her quest for friendship, joy, success, and above all, love. β€
Inspired by the Korean drama 'Boys Before Flowers,' this novel spins a completely original tale that promises to captivate and inspire.