Hi, my name is Jimin Park, a little about myself...I'm an extravert. I love being extra and I'm not shy at all. I like being with people and having fun. I'm 22 years old and I spend my free time with my friend Yoongi and going out with him to the club and getting drunk. And oh yeah~ I'm bisexual. Hello, I'm Jungkook Jeon, I'm an introvert. I would much rather be alone most of the time and focus on my dancing, and singing. I have a friend named Taehyung Kim..he's my best friend and is the life of the party. He's 22 and goes clubbing every night. He tries a lot to get me out of my house but I don't usually let him. I don't like to go out because I'm a gay 20 year old man living in Seoul...that's not usually ideal is it. (Read more)
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