The Professional Life of Joseph SamraJoseph Samra is a real "pull yourself up by the bootstraps kind of American." After his father died, Joseph worked in a warehouse. He ultimately injured his back from the work and applied to law school while he was recuperating. He was accepted at Suffolk University and graduated with his Juris Doctorate. Shortly thereafter, he began working at a small law firm, and ultimately started his own firm, building it from scratch.
Samra sees himself as a protector of civil liberties and wants to work for "the little guy," and leave the world a better place. He currently practices divorce, insurance, real estate, and general practice law, and has had his own private law practice for the past 25 years.
Samra is a doting and loving father of four children. In the future, he wants to see his youngest children graduate and move on to the career paths of their choice. He aspires to serve his community and his family with dedication and integrity. When he's not participating in the proper application of the law, you can find him spending time with his family or pursuing myriad hobbies, including sharpshooting, boating, gardening, hiking, traveling, and using recorded university lectures to learn about science.