Everyday we go through difficulties that make us prostrate to the ground. From heavy filled tests with perplexed questions about the law of gravity to fatiguing customers, complaining about dresses that are two sizes too small. But in between all that work and stress, sometimes you catch yourself genuinely smiling at the littlest things in life. You watch a shy, geeky boy nervously asking a girl to Prom, and with his trembling rose in his hands and his poetic, mushy words. You can't help but smile at the scene, as the girl blushes a cute red and yells out a yes. The way a little cute boy asks you his polite sweet voice, where the action figures are. Or the time when you come home from a long day of stress and upon entering the house, smell the delicious aroma of your favorite food cooking in the air. I think it's these little things that define us, that make us go from a miserable, joyless face lacking any emotion to a heart-warming smile.
Two years old. That was when Hadley Rosie Bennet had started dancing at the Abby Lee Dance Company. Hadley was a star waiting to shoot. Here is her story.